Saying Yes Can Change Your Day (maybe even your life)


It would have been easy to ignore the email, or to find an excuse not to go. 

When I got a message that a fellow National Speakers’ Association Member (one I had never met) was coming to Connecticut and could use a fellow NSA-er to show up and help out with her Closing Keynote, I saw an unscheduled day on my calendar and I said YES.

Sure, why not?
I’ll show up.

And I’m so glad I did.

Merit Kahn is a CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) who is also a comic and performer - and brings decades of experience in sales, leadership, strategy, communication to the table. 

For this event, she had crafted a leadership closing keynote including scenes from her solo show, Who Chiseled That?

So I drove across the state (well, it’s Connecticut, so that’s only like a bit over an hour) and it was worth every mile. Merit's keynote was extraordinary! I learned a lot as a speaker, and more importantly as a human being.

In addition to just helping out a colleague, I also got inspiration and motivation to work on my own solo show and to bring more of my unique skills as an actor to the keynote stage.

And - I met a new friend.  

By the way, if you live near Fort Myers, FL - Merit’s bringing her show to you in January! Highly recommended. I promise you’ll love it! (Scan the QR Code)


Say YES to more engagement with other human beings.

How? Three steps:

  1. Show Up,

  2. Reach Out,

  3. Let In.

I’ll be writing more about this in 2024, and delivering the details in keynotes and workshops.

Happy New Year! Let’s get ourselves out of the “Epidemic of Loneliness” by Engaging with Others. Totally Worth It.



Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities, by Brian Miller



“I am a part of all that I have met.” -Lord Tennyson

 *What's in a SPARK?

  • Story

  • Picture

  • Action Step

  • Resources

  • Kickass Quote

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Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye is a female voice talent for business and beyond. She is the author of two books; Happier Made Simple™ and Ben Behind His Voices. As an actress she has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television performances. Randye is a keynote speaker on the topics of mental health, communication, and happiness.


Hey, Where’s My Gold Medal? Where is Yours?


Lesson from an Inmate: Happiness Requires Connection