Ending the Criminalization of Mental Illness: Judge Steve Leifman (Ep. 82)

It is estimated that more than two million arrests in the United States each year involve people with Serious Mental Illnesses (SMI) – half of which are homeless at the time of their arrest. Jails have become places where a disproportionate number of people with SMI spend significant amounts of time; their ties to the community severed, their treatment needs unmet, and their illnesses made worse. But it doesn't have to be that way - This episode dives into a system that works, saves money, and helps those it used to harm. Judge Steve Leifman is the Associate Administrative Judge of the Miami-Dade County Court Criminal Division. He will discuss his journey into the mental health system, the legal and medical history that led to America’s mental health crisis and the essential elements necessary to create an effective system of care that ultimately will transform the mental health and criminal justice systems and make jail the last option for people with serious mental illnesses, not the first.

Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye is a female voice talent for business and beyond. She is the author of two books; Happier Made Simple™ and Ben Behind His Voices. As an actress she has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television performances. Randye is a keynote speaker on the topics of mental health, communication, and happiness.


What Do I Do Now?: THE Handbook for SZ Caregivers: guest, Nicole Drapeau Gillen (Ep. 83)


Turning the Tables: Young Journalists Ask the Moms about Mental Illness Issues (Ep. 81)